|Black Tech/黑色工程|雙體結構 Twin Control System:TCS

Twin Control System:TCS

因應鐵人三項選手的回饋,為求在顛頗路況擁有更好控車效能,同時擁有足夠踩踏反饋,「雙體結構」因應而生。前、後輪採用獨立的碳纖維結構體設定,前輪結構著重提升減振效能,有效吸收路面傳回的振頻;後輪則將縱向剛性提升 7%。雙體結構設定讓操控手感更舒適,也有更犀利、輕感的加速性。全面應用於 ADOU 系列,適合長距離鐵人選手、TT 賽使用。
To fulfil the needs, we designed different carbon fibre structures for the front and rear rims. They have a similar appearance, but different functions. Just like twins: Similar, yet different.
On Triathlon, athletes need to ride for long distances and face different kinds of terrains. Thus, for the front rim, we enhanced the damping capacity for better control; for the rear rim, we improved the rigidity for 7%. This will allow better control on high-speed cruising, ideal for on long-distance racing or triathlon/ IRONMAN.
