|Black Tech/黑色工程|3-9 Attack

3-9 Attack

SHARP 系列花轂由我們自行研發設計,2018 年推出首款 SHARP,其反應快速的特性就受到不少好評。配合更輕量的輪圈,新一代 SHARP+ 的重量成為精修的要點。除了簍空的花轂耳(Flange)之外,在內部我們也做了些修正。
SHARP+ 棘輪內部設定從 6 個棘爪縮減為 3 棘爪結構,單一棘爪上包含 3 個階級設定;減少為 3 棘爪,卻增加了 3 個接觸咬合點。棘爪透過熱處理工序,進行表面強化。搭配 48 齒的驅動環,棘爪咬合角度縮小至 3.75 度。
The SHARP hub developed by ourselves in 2018 was designed with a strong shell and huge flange for powerful pedalling. Based on this version, we launched a new hub, SHARP+.
It's light-weighted, yet has the same rigidity of the previous version. The internal drive pawl of SHARP+ is 3-paw setting, and each paw has 3 contact points. Combining it with a 48T driver, the engagement angle can be reduced to 3.75 degrees.
