|Black Tech/黑色工程|U 槽強化 Strengthened U-Frame:SUF

「U 槽」包含外部兩側煞車邊以及內部鉤爪的位置, U 槽同時承受著來自於框體外側煞車的夾煞力道,還有內部胎壓的推擠。因此 U 槽的結構設計,是輪圈整體考量最多的部位。

我們將 U型槽結構獨立設定,運用多層角度搭配,精修內部形狀,讓煞車邊結構有足夠的剛性承受高速轉動夾煞時的拉扯力道,同時還能有效傳導熱量。因此我們不需要於煞車邊表面再進行額外加工,便能擁有更優的夾煞效能。


“U frame” is the most complicated part of the rim. It needs high stiffness and great heat conduction, as it must bear the pressures from inside(air pressure)and outside (brake) at the same time.

We set the U frame structure independently, layering the carbon fibre in different angles. The internal shape of the U frame has been refined so that it has sufficient rigidity to withstand the force of brake during high-speed rotation, and at the same time conduct the heat effectively.
